Welcome. This is the home page for the gaithersburg-list, an email-based, community discussion forum. We want to encourage all persons with an interest in the community to subscribe. To do so, please first check out the mailing list background page and then just browse to the list subscription web page http://lists.gaithersburg-list.net/mailman/listinfo/oldetowne_gaithersburg-list.net. Fill out the form and click the "Subscribe" button. You will receive an email in your inbox shortly; follow the instructions in the email -- all you should have to do is reply. This step is to make sure that nobody can sign you up without you knowing. Then, your subscription request will be forwarded to the list administrator, who will add your address to the list manually. We may do some screening for appropriateness, but only in the interest of keeping the list within the community -- these days, mailing lists often have trouble with spammers joining up so they can use them for advertising :-( . Toward this end, please write a little note to us in the body of your subscription request, letting us know how you are connected to the community; telling us what street you live on for example. We're not nosy, we just want to keep the off-topic list traffic to a minimum. In most cases, we should be able to have you on the list within a day or so, but please give it as much as two or three days to account for the possibility that we're swamped with other stuff. We will send you a message letting you know that you've been added.